Saturday, May 31, 2008

Outdoor fun

Okay - last, with one more second - yesterday I took these from my bedroom window - it was funny because the kids could hear me, but with being inside, they couldn't tell where I was.

Anyways, the thing that makes me cringe a little is that when we moved into this house, I think the dogs that had been here did lots of their duty in this corner, but what can I do. They were "looking for beetles" as Eli says, but the part of this story that I want to remember is that I looked out on these guys about 1 hour later and Jax was grabbing his ears and rubbing all over him and looked perturbed, but he wasn't crying. Well, I ran to the bathroom to start a bath and by the time I got out there, Jonah was bringing him up to me. They had gotten into an ant hill - Jax had tons of bites on his legs and neck - and a couple on his hands. They all got baths/showers last night, needless to say. I was itchy all night, and about 8:00 found an ant down my own shirt!! I showed it to Jory and he pinched it to kill it and it bit him!! KILLER ANTS!!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I like all the new posts/stuff-awesome! Sorry we talked your ear off last night, I'm sure "your husband" was none too pleased, tell him we get out of control when it comes to complaining.

Nikkie said...

ANTS!I have an unreasonable fear of ants. Just reading about your boys sent a shiver of fear up my spine. I am always afraid something like that will happen to me or my kids when we are working in the yard-I know I would be screaming hysterically and the neighbors would think I was being murdered or something. Aaagh!I'm sure you handled it very calmly though. :)